

  • Latitude: 52.9389142545936 
  • Longitude: -9.39468383789062


For more routes we recommend you use the AA Route planner.
Take the N18 to Ennis – take the N85 to Liscannor (Roadsigns for Ennistymon / Lahinch and Liscannor).
Take the N6 South (Roadsigns for Dublin/Limerick). From the N6 follow the signs for the N18 for Limerick. At Kilcolgan turn right on to the N67 to Liscannor. (Signs for Kinvara / Ballyvaughan).
Travel via Limerick on the N7 and then follow the directions above or via Galway on the N4/N6. When the N6 meets the N18 follow the signs for Limerick, and then follow the directions above.
Take the N22 to Tralee and then the N69 to Tarbert (Signs for Listowel/Tarbert). From the Car Ferry take the N67 to Liscannor (Signs for Kilrush/Milltown Malbay/Lahinch). 
Take the N20 North (Signs for Mallow and Limerick). Approaching Limerick follow the exit signs for the N18 (Signs for Shannon) and then follow the directions above.

seaside location
boutique hotel